The project team delivered 6 international conference presentations over the course of the project and have produced 2 publications. In the paper, identifying research and development priorities for an in-hospital 3D design engineering facility in India', the team identify key factors that influence the adoption of such services in India. The findings are of relevance to healthcare policymakers and public hospital managers in resource-constrained environments, and to academics and practitioners engaging in collaborative export of healthcare initiatives. The research is published in the special medical issue 6.2 of the Journal of Design, Business & Society.
Eggbeer D., Beverly K, Mehrotra D., Evans P., Hollisey-Mclean S. (2020) Identifying research and development priorities for an in-hospital 3D design engineering facility in India. Journal of Design, Business & Society special medical issue 6.2. 6(2):189-213.

The second publication discussed state-of-the-art in temporomandibular joint reconstruction.
Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Mehrotra P, Khanna R, Khanna V, Eggbeer D, Evans P (2021 - in press) Patient specific total temporomandibular joint reconstruction: A review of biomaterial, designs, fabrication and outcomes, Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research.
The Co-MeDDI project has also led to two further funded projects in the field of custom implant and body prosthesis design. These are being led by teams in India with collaboration with experts in the UK. Further details will be announced as the COVID pandemic allows the research work to progress.
Prof. Mehtrotra has also implemented a 3d design engineering hub within King George's Medical University. The hub includes a suite of 3d design engineering software and 3d printing fabrication technologies and, importantly, a dedicated design engineer. This is crucial to service the huge demand. The team has already undertaken scores of custom implant and device designs.

Prof. Mehtrotra and the UK group have also begun a series of regular webinars focussing on the application of 3D design engineering methods in surgical and prosthetic reconstruction. The aim is to ensure others are able to access the expertise necessary to harness technologies effectively.

A range of courses are also in development, the next of which is in July 2021 Registration Form (
Further details on others courses will be provided soon.